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Welcome to our new and stylish home page.

We offer...
- Computer repair, upgrades and new system installation.
- Custom built systems to your exact specifications.
- Web design and maintenance.
- Wireless Networking for your home or small business.
- Complete PC security analysis and installation of hardware and software security suite of your choice, - including firewall, anti-virus, spyware detection and data encryption.
- E-mail and phone support.
- On site consulting.
and even more...

We look forward to serving you, and remember; using a computer should be fun! ;-)

(more quotes)

  • "A programmer is a person who passes as an exacting expert on the basis of being able to turn out, after innumerable punching, an infinite series of incomprehensive answers calculated with micrometric precisions from vague assumptions based on debatable figures taken from inconclusive documents and carried out on instruments of problematical accuracy by persons of dubious reliability and questionable mentality for the avowed purpose of annoying and confounding a hopelessly defenseless department that was unfortunate enough to ask for the information in the first place."
    - IEEE Grid newsmagazine
  • "I've noticed lately that the paranoid fear of computers becoming intelligent and taking over the world has almost entirely disappeared from the common culture. Near as I can tell, this coincides with the release of MS-DOS."
    - Larry DeLuca

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